Ultradeep desulfurization of fuels is a method of enormous demand due to the generation of harmful compounds during the burning of sulfur‐containing fuels, which are a major source of environmental pollution. Among the various desulfurization methods in application, adsorptive desulfurization (ADS) has low energy demand and is feasible to be employed at ambient conditions without the addition of chemicals. The most crucial factor for ADS application is the selection of the adsorbent, and, currently, a new family of porous materials, metal organic frameworks (MOFs), has proved to be very effective towards this direction. In the current review, applications of MOFs and their functionalized composites for ADS are presented and discussed, as well as the main desulfurization mechanisms reported for the removal of thiophenic compounds by various frameworks. Prospective methods regarding the further improvement of MOF’s desulfurization capability are also suggested.
Z. C. Kampouraki, D.A. Giannakoudakis, V. Nair, A. Hosseini‐Bandegharaei, J.C. Colmenares, and E.A. Deliyanni. Molecules (2019), 24, 4525; doi:10.3390/molecules24244525 Open Access!!!
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