
[FINALIZED] Nanoengineering of thin layers of semiconductor photocatalysts in a microreactor environment for lignin-based model compounds valorization


The uniqueness of this project rests on a combined approach of understanding/​design/​synthesis of an effective semiconductor-based photocatalytic layer with optimized composition and the advantages of working in a fluidic microspace for the valorization of lignin-based model compounds. To our best knowledge, this kind of complex approach has not been yet investigated.

A positive outcome of the proposed project has the potential of strong influencing on the field of new materials synthesis, nanoengineering and clean/​effective chemicals production. Therefore, the final outcome of the proposal will lead to profound benefits to humanity in the long term.

These pioneering studies will permit us to understand and optimize (a) the interaction within the hybrid thin layers components on the internal surface of microfluidic reactor, and thus (b) predict surface changes manipulated by the full control of ultrasound effects during thin layers synthesis, what will result in © activity/​selectivity/​stability improvement of promising catalysts working thanks to solar light utilization which open the possibilities for better ways of management and valorization of lignin-containing organic wastes.

Goal and main idea of the project

The goal of this project is building up, through a strict selection, new research group which will be focused on the synthesis of novel multicomponent nanophotocatalytic thin layers supported on the internal walls of a fluidic microreactor, the study of their activity in the selective photo-oxidation of lignin-based model molecules and the correlation of their performances with the composition, surface morphology and distribution of the active sites

Sincere thanks to the National Science Centre for this very important support!

Project title:​“Nanoengineering of thin layers of semiconductor photocatalysts in a microreactor environment for lignin-based model compounds valorization”
Financed by the National Science Centre in Poland
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero

SONATA BIS 5 results:

https://​www​.ncn​.gov​.pl/​k​o​n​k​u​r​s​y​/​w​y​n​i​k​i​/2016 – 01 – 29-maestro7-harmonia7-sonatabis5 

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