
The 56th National Catalytic Colloquium — Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Jerzy Haber PAN in Krakow, Poland, from March 20 – 222024


The 56th National Catalytic Colloquium took place at the esteemed Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Jerzy Haber PAN in Krakow, Poland, from March 20 – 22, 2024. This event served as a significant platform for catalysis experts, emerging researchers, and industry professionals to exchange groundbreaking insights and innovations.

Renowned speakers such as Professor Vicente Cortes Corberan from the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry in Madrid, Spain, Ph.D. Edyta Tabor from the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague, Czech Republic, and Professor Ph.D. Maciej Trejda from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, delivered captivating plenary lectures, delving into the intricacies of catalytic processes and their applications.

The conference also featured a diverse range of oral messages and flash oral presentations, providing researchers with a platform to showcase their work and interact with seasoned professionals. Notably, Behdokht Hashemi Hosseini, a member of Research Group 28, Catalysis for sustainable energy production and environmental protection,” delivered a compelling oral presentation highlighting groundbreaking research in the field.

The session chaired by Professor Dr. Barbara Gil included her earlier lecture titled Zeolite Nanosheets in Solution: Building Blocks of Nanoscale Composites.” With topics spanning fundamental catalytic mechanisms to applied catalysis across various disciplines, attendees experienced a stimulating program promising academic enrichment and cultural immersion against the backdrop of Krakow’s rich history.

As the catalysis landscape evolves, the 56th National Catalytic Colloquium remains a testament to collaborative research and innovation shaping the future of catalytic science. Organizers express gratitude to all participants for their contributions and anticipate continued advancements in catalysis.



We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the National Science Center (NCN), Poland, for their generous support under the research project OPUS 20 No. 2020/39/B/ST5/00076 and the organizers of the 56th National Catalytic Colloquium , which held at the Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry. Jerzy Haber PAN in Krakow for giving us the opportunity to present our work as oral presentation.

Conference Website (PL)

Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences

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