
Bachelors Thesis defence


Last week Bożena Deka successfully defended her thesis here at the Institute, her thesis Synthesis of hybrid semiconductor / carbon material nanomaterials and their testing in photocatalytic water purification”

With this defence, Bożena completes her Bachelors degree from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

She would like to thank her supervisor D.Sc. Juan Carlos Colmenares, for his help preparing this work, his understanding and valuable comments.

Also thanks to M.Sc. Paweł Lisowski for his enormous patience, devoted time, help with the preparation of this work, and numerous tips.

This B.Sc. thesis was supported by the Project No. 2015/17/N/ST5/03330
from the National Science Center in Poland, led by M.Sc. Paweł Lisowski.

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