
ChemSession \’17 in Warsaw: PhD candidates in action…


On Friday 13th of June, on the grounds of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of PAS, the 2017 edition of ChemSession took place. Numerous doctoral students from Warsaw and other cities participated in the event, with a total of 155 poster presentations covering many topics such as catalysis, organic synthesis, and molecular dynamics simulations, among others.

Our group took part in the event with 2 poster presentations titled Nanoengineering of thin layers of semiconductor photocatalysts in a microreactor environment for lignin-based model compounds valorization” (presented by Agnieszka Lewalska-Graczyk), which presented the main topics, ideas and challenges from one of our projects, and ” Selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol as a lignin model compound in a microfluidic photocatalytic reactor” (presented by Sauco Cano Navarro), which presented the current status of the process using commercial titania, as well as some preliminary results from our experiments.

During the day-long event there were a series of lectures on electrochemistry, RNA therapies against cancer, metalorganic chemistry and electrocatalysis, given by honorable guest speakers from polish universities and the winners of the previous editions of ChemSession.

We would like the thank the organizers and the Institute IPC for giving us the possibility to join the event, as well as to the National Science Center (NCN) in Poland for the support through the project Sonata Bis Nr.2015/18/E/ST5/00306.

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