
Science Picnic in the National Stadium!


This last 3rd of June at the National Stadium in Warsaw, Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center organized the 21st Science Picnic, this year\'s theme was \"Earth\". The Science Picnic is Europe\'s largest outdoor event for the popularization of science, thousands of people attended the this year\'s event.

Our group was part of the ICHF\'s delegation with one experiment, the participants could observe in real time the photocatalytic degradation of a dye while going through a continuous flow system, an example of technology that is already in use in some wastewater treatment plants, and the type of semiconductor catalysts that our group uses on a daily basis.

Overall it was a great experience to be able to participate in such event and to answer the questions of children and adults alike about photocatalysis and our work, and we hope to see you next time!

 More pictures here!


Aknowledgements to our National Science Centre (NCN) project Sonata Bis Nr.2015/18/E/ST5/00306

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