
Our collaborative research work in Pyro 2016


21st Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (Pyro 2016), 9 – 12 May 2016 in Nancy, France.

Our collaborative work was presented by Prof. O. Mašek (UK Biochar Research Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK): FUNCTIONALIZED CARBON-BASED SUPPORT MATERIALS FROM BENCH-SCALE BATCH PYROLYSIS FOR PHOTOCATALYTIC OXIDATION OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCS)”. Other authors: J. C. Colmenaresb and P. Lisowski


This work was supported by the National Science Centre (NCN) in Poland within research project 2015/17/N/ST5/03330. We would like to thank the COST Association (Action FP1306) for supporting the dissemination of this work.

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