
Plantations of nanorods on carpets of graphene capture the Sun’s energy 


Press release based on the scientific outcomes of our joint article in Advanced Functional Materials, 25(2) (2015) 221 – 229 (Authors: Chuang Han, Zhang Chen, Nan Zhang, Juan Carlos Colmenares and Yi-Jun Xu. http://​dx​.doi​.org/​10​.​1002​/​a​d​f​m​.​201402443).

The Sun can be a better chemist, thanks to zinc oxide nanorod arrays grown on a graphene substrate and decorated” with dots of cadmium sulphide. In the presence of solar radiation, this combination of zero and one-dimensional semiconductor structures with two-dimensional graphene is a great catalyst for many chemical reactions. The innovative photocatalytic material has been developed by our group of scientists from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and Fuzhou University in China.

The information of this press release has been covered by a good number of websites in different languages. Some strictly selected websites are as follows:

http://​www​.eure​ka​lert​.org/​p​u​b​_​r​e​l​e​a​s​e​s​/2015 – 07/iopc-pon071515.php 
http://​phys​.org/​n​e​w​s​/2015 – 07-plantations-nanorods-carpets-graphene-capture.html 


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