
Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries in Tenerife (España)


V Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries. Tenerife, España, July 05 – 082015http://​www​.hycel​te​c2015​.ull​.es

Oral presentation by Rafael González-Gil:Pilot Reactor testing in DME-Steam Reforming catalysts for Fuel Cell applications”.

This work is a part of investigation aimed at the development of technology based on alternative fuels and efficient catalysts for syngas production by DME-SR. A fuel testing was carried out in order to study the behaviour of a SOFC cell. In adittion, V‑Ni catalysts are testing in the pilot reactor studying the DME-SR process and the V content in the properties of catalyst comparing with commercial Cu based catalysts.

Keywords: Pilot reactor, SOFC, H2-production, V‑Ni catalysts

Acknowledgements: Authors acknowledge for the financial support to the project National Centre of Science in Poland for funding through SONATA-2013/11/D/ST5/03007.

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