
12th Warsaw annual meeting of PhD students: ChemSession\’15


ChemSession’15, May 8th2015 in Warsaw (XII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików). http://​chem​ses​sion​.pl/ 

During this meeting we have presented two posters:

Pd-Au/TiO2 for gaseous selective oxidation of methanol to methyl formate, Juan C. Colmenares, Paweł Lisowski, Dariusz Łomot, Olga Chernyayeva and Dmytro Lisovytskiy.

Photocatalytic water purification by polypropylene nonwoven filter with 1D zinc oxide nanorods, Juan C. Colmenares, Ewelina Kuna, Szymon Jakubiak, Jakub Michalski and Krzysztof Kurzydłowski.

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