
Wszechnica” in Warsaw: A very pleasant opportunity for science dissemination


Wszechnica” is a series of lectures organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Warsaw Scientific Society with the aim of science popularization and dissemination.

Thank you to the organizers for giving us this opportunity to share our science with the Warsaw community.

Lecture title:Prosty sposób oczyszczania wody z odpadów chemicznych i produkcji chemikaliów przy użyciu światła i białego proszku” (A simple method for removal of organic wastes from water and production of chemicals in the presence of light and white powder”) by Juan Carlos Colmenares.

http://​www​.por​tal​wie​dzy​.pan​.pl/​i​n​d​e​x​.​p​h​p​/​138​-​w​s​z​e​c​h​n​i​c​a​/​795​-​w​y​k​l​a​d​y​-​w​s​z​e​c​h​n​i​c​y​-​p​a​n​-​w​-​r​o​k​u​-​a​k​a​d​e​m​i​c​k​i​m​-2013 – 2014

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