
Cover page for our collaborative article (with Prof. Yi-Jun Xu) in Advanced Functional Materials


Our sincere thanks to Wiley for giving us a Cover Page of the issue where our article was published.

This excellent article is the result of an incredible friendship and research collaboration with Prof. Yi-Jun Xu group.

Our manuscript:Hierarchically CdS Decorated 1D ZnO Nanorods-2D Graphene Hybrids: Low Temperature Synthesis and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance” in Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 221 – 229. Authors: Chuang Han, Zhang Chen, Nan Zhang, Juan Carlos Colmenares and Yi-Jun Xu.(http://​onli​ne​li​bra​ry​.wiley​.com/​d​o​i​/​10​.​1002​/​a​d​f​m​.​201402443​/​a​b​s​tract

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