
Excellent chemistry” with Prof. Yi-Jun Xu research group!!!


The joint publication in Advanced Functional Materials is a fantastic start in our very promising research collaboration with Prof. Yi-Jun Xu research group (State Key Laboratory of Photocatalysis on Energy and Environment at Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, P.R. China).

About our work:

Hierarchically CdS Decorated 1D ZnO Nanorods-2D Graphene Hybrids: Low Temperature Synthesis and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance. Chuang Han, Zhang Chen, Nan Zhang, Juan Carlos Colmenares, and Yi-Jun Xu. Advanced Functional Materials (2014). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201402443

Keywords: hierarchical hybrids, graphene, zinc oxide, cadmium sulfide, visible light
A facile, low-temperature synthesis approach is reported to fabricate hierarchical CdS-1D ZnO nanorod arrays-2D graphene (GR) hybrids in a finely tailored manner in pursuit of the integration of the fast electron transport of 1D ZnO, the excellent electronic conductivity of 2D graphene and the desirable visible-light absorption of CdS to efficiently harvest visible light and boost the separation and transfer of the photogenerated charge carriers for specific photocatalytic applications.

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