
Our science in Breaking Boundaries in Chemistry”


2nd edition of Cambridge-Warsaw Young Scientists Meeting Breaking Boundaries in Chemistry”

During this event I presented a poster entitled: Sonication and light: simultaneous combination of green energy sources in the synthesis of photoactive nanomaterials” with the most recent results of my work. The goal of this meeting was to bring together young researchers in chemistry from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Cambridge. During this intensive two-day event we had many opportunities for deep scientific discussions such during the poster sessions as well as during our leisure time. Visiting the city with our colleagues from Cambridge University was the best way for building informal networks between us. This is very important step in creating collaboration between our research groups. 2nd edition of Cambridge-Warsaw Young Scientists Meeting was an excellent opportunity for meeting and sharing ideas with exceptional scientists in the ambience of the world wide famous Cambridge University”. Agnieszka Magdziarz.

Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the National Science Centre (NCN) in Poland within research project 2013/11/N/ST5/01923. This work was supported by the EU grant NanOtechnology Biomaterials and aLternative Energy Source for Era integration FP7-REGPOT-CT-2011 – 285949-NOBLESSE.

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