
Our scientific contribution during the most important event on catalysis in Poland


53rd Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis, Kraków 22 – 24.09.2021. Virtual conference.

Plenary lecture by Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Colmenares entitled:Integrating sonochemistry, flow chemistry, and heterogeneous photocatalysis towards environmental and energy applications”. Co-authors: Abdul Qayyum, Dariusz Łomot, S.R. Pradhan, and Dimitrios A. Giannakoudakis.

1.D.A. Giannakoudakis, A. Qayyum, D. Łomot, M. Besenhard, D. Lisovytskiy, T.J. Bandosz, and J.C. Colmenares, Adv. Funct. Mater. 31 (2021) 2007115https://​pho​to​-cata​ly​sis​.org/​v​i​e​w​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=1222
2.S.R. Pradhan, V. Nair, D.A. Giannakoudakis, D. Lisovytskiy, and J.C. Colmenares, Mol. Catal., 486 (2020) 110884https://​pho​to​-cata​ly​sis​.org/​v​i​e​w​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=1196


Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science Centre (NCN) in Poland within the research projects OPUS-13 nr 2017/25/B/ST8/01592 and Sonata Bis 5 Nr. 2015/18/E/ST5/00306.

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