The air around us is still getting more and more polluted. No wonder many scientists strive to find a way to purify it. Thanks to the work of an international team led by prof. Juan Carlos Colmenares from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, we are a big step closer to achieve this goal. They found a way to make an efficient reactive adsorbent able to purify the air from various toxic compounds, cheaply, and effectively.
In Polish:
Interview for “Radio dla Ciebie” in Polish:‑innej-planety-efektywny-i-tani-adsorbent-zdolny-oczyszczac-powietrze/
In English: – 07/iopc-fca070720.php – 07-cleaner-air-soil.html
Ultrasound-activated TiO2/GO-based bifunctional photoreactive adsorbents for detoxification of chemical warfare agent surrogate vapors”. Authors: D.A. Giannakoudakis, N. Farahmand, D. Łomot, Kamil Sobczak, T.J. Bandosz, and J.C. Colmenares. Chemical Engineering Journal, (2020).DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.125099 Open Access!!!!
D.A.G., D.Ł. and J.C.C. are very grateful to the National Science Centre in Poland for the support through the projects: OPUS-13 project No 2017/25/B/ST8/01592 and project Miniatura 2 No 2018/02/X/ST5/03531.
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