
Prof. Timothy Noël with us through the Dream Chemistry Lecture series”


On March 5th our guest, in the frame of the Dream Chemistry Lecture series” (organized by IPC-PAS, http://​ichf​.edu​.pl/​D​C​A​_​l​e​c​t​u​r​e​s​.html), Prof. Timothy Noël (www​.Noel​Re​se​arch​Gro​up​.com, Eindhoven University of Technology) shared with the IPC-PAS scientific community his research through a lecture entitled: Exploring new chemical territory through use of flow”.

Prof. Timothy Noël visited our group, and we had a pleasant time discussing about potential scientific collaboration.


Crystalline and sincere thanks to Prof. Timothy Noël for being with us!!!. Acknowledgments are going to the organizers of Dream Chemistry Lecture series” (IPC-PAS) for creating such fantastic environment for scientific collaborations.

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