
BERSTIC II: A platform connecting Academia-Government-Industry


The Second International Congress on Biorefineries and Renewable Energies supported on ICT: Business Opportunities based on Technologies and Innovation Initiatives.

2nd BERSTIC 2020: between the 17th and 20th of February 2020 in Bucaramanga — Colombia.

Our group very active participation during this important international event:

  1. Keynote lecture by Juan Carlos Colmenares entitled: Solar Energy and Water in the Biorefinery Concept”
  2. Participation in the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the 2nd BERSTIC 2020https://www.ucc.edu.co/formacion-continua/Paginas/I‑Congreso-Internacional-Biorrefinerias-congreso-cientifico.aspxhttps://www.ucc.edu.co/formacion-continua/Paginas/I‑Congreso-Internacional-Biorrefinerias-comite-organizador.aspx

And additionally (upon invitation): Participation in the Discussion Panel on Climate Change” organized by the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Aguachica (Colombia), February 22nd, 2020.

Big sincere thanks to the Organizers of 2nd BERSTIC 2020 and the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Aguachica (Colombia) for such amazing opportunity to share the experience of our group with all participants.


Main Topics of 2nd BERSTIC 2020:

  • Biorefineries
  • Renewable energy, water and air
  • Industry 4.0 for energy, water, air and biorefineries

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