
IWIS — International Warsaw Invention Show: Our invention IN”


IWIS: 14 — 16 October 2019, Warsaw (Poland)

IWIS is the largest in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe international event related to innovation and inventiveness.


Dr Dariusz Łomot (our group member) participated with the invention: A flow microreactor system and the way of conducting photocatalytic processes using it” (https://​pho​to​-cata​ly​sis​.org/​v​i​e​w​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=1162). The invention provides a method and an apparatus for microfluidic, photocatalytic and photobiological processes using LED light.



We are very grateful for the support from the National Science Centre in Poland within Sonata Bis project nr 2015/18/E/ST5/ 00306.

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