
One more firm step towards biomass valorization: COST FP1306in” Action


COST Action FP1306: 4th Workshop & 5th MC Meeting, Thessaloniki (Greece), 12 – 14 March 2018 

Participation of our group with the following collaborative research works:

  1. Oral presentation by Prof. Dr. Juan C. Colmenares:TiO2-based continuous-µflow photocatalysis for selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol”. All authors: Juan C. Colmenares, T. Dańko, V. Nair and A. Tabish.
  2. Co-authorship in poster presentation:Novel lignin and biomass-derived hybrid TiO2/​carbon composites using secondary char to improve TiO2 bonding to carbon matrix”. All authors: P. Lisowski,J. C. Colmenares, O. Mašek, D. Łomot, O. Chernyayeva, D. Lisovytskiy.
  3. Co-authorship in poster presentation: Catalytic Dry Reforming for Biomass-Based Fuels Processing: An overview”. All authors: Ramon Fernando Colmenares Quintero and Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero.


The first two works were supported by the National Science Centre (NCN) in Poland within the research projects Sonata Bis Nr. 2015/18/E/ST5/00306 and Preludium Nr. 2015/17/N/ST5/03330, respectively. We would like to thank the COST Association (Action FP1306) for the support via STSM of Pawel Lisowski and for supporting the dissemination of these works. 


FP1306 COST ActionValorization of lignocellulosic biomass side streams for sustainable production of chemicals, materials & fuels using low environmental impact technologies”


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