
Professor Luque’s visit to our group


Last week Professor Rafael Luque, our good friend and research partner in our project \“Sonata Bis\”, from the University of Cordoba spent some time with us here at the IPC. During his week he had time to impart a lecture on the design of nanomaterials through non-conventional methods, which they have been developing in his group. Being the editor of a journal, and reviewer of multiple others, he also conducted a workshop on \“Scientific Writing Skills\” which we hope helped all the attendees hone their skills and adopt some tips that speed up the process of writing papers.

In total the events were attended by 70+ students and professors from IPC, Warsaw University of Technology, and University of Warsaw.

But it was not all science! There was also time to meet with the members of our group outside the Lab, and go for a couple bowling games. We would really like to thank Prof. Luque for spending some time in our group, and specially for sharing his knowledge with us during his stay.

Professor Luque\‘s visit was organized by the group Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Production and Environmental Protection” from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science (IPC-PAS), and supported by the National Science Centre (NCN) in Poland within research project Sonata Bis Nr. 2015/18/E/ST5/00306, a project whose main aim is the synthesis of novel multicomponent nanophotocatalytic thin layers supported on the internal walls of microfluidic microreactors, and the study of their activity in the selective photo-oxidation of lignin based model structures.

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