This proposed project has the potential of strong influence on the field of green and sustainable materials synthesis and processes, renewable energies, and chemicals production from organic wastes, all together in the frame of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
This project aims to develop a novel method for the transformation of natural polymers (e.g., cellulose and chitosan) into valuable porous supports to manage the incorporation of plasmonic nanophotocatalysts with the co-photocatalytic piezoelectric element (earth abundant ZnO) to strengthen the overall physicochemical properties of those hybrids.
New catalytic materials possessing excellent piezophotocatalytic redox properties to assist continuous flow photo-redox processes in obtaining high-value chemicals from biomass-inspired compounds.
Project: Novel method for the transformation of natural polymers into valuable porous
Registration number 2023/51/B/ST5/00752 submitted as part of the OPUS 26 call for research projects
Agreement no UMO-2023/51/B/ST5/00752 for research project titled“Surface-Interface engineering in constructing multi-dimensional functional hybrid piezophotocatalysts for redox selective organic synthesis in flow”
Funding scheme: OPUS
Panel: ST5
Coordinator: Dr Magdalena Jarosz
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