
Dr. Hanggara Sudrajat: A Valuable Addition to Solar Chemistry Research Team, Expanding Expertise in Photocatalysis and Advanced Spectroscopy


Dr. Hanggara Sudrajat, a NAWA Postdoctoral Fellow, has recently joined the Solar Chemistry research group.

With a strong educational background and diverse research experience, Dr. Sudrajat brings valuable expertise in state-of-the-art structure-determining techniques and transient spectroscopy applied to photocatalytic materials. He’s research interests encompass various aspects of solar chemistry, including photocatalytic hydrogen production, biomass valorization, and detoxification of harmful substances.

Dr. Sudrajat’s portfolio includes a PhD in Chemical Sciences from Thammasat University, Thailand, and work experience in prestigious institutions such as the National Research and Innovation Agency in Indonesia, the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, and Kobe University in Japan. He’s research contributions have been recognized with prestigious fellowships and awards, demonstrating their exceptional achievements in the field of solar chemistry. 


Dr. Hanggara Sudrajat will focus on a project:


NAWA Postdoctoral Fellow

Google Scholar: https://​scho​lar​.google​.com/​c​i​t​a​t​i​o​n​s​?​u​s​e​r​=​c​x​F​k​F​d​Q​AAAAJ

Scopus: https://​www​.sco​pus​.com/​a​u​t​h​i​d​/​d​e​t​a​i​l​.​u​r​i​?​a​u​t​h​o​r​I​d​=​56884577200

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